The Do's and Don'ts of Climbing Rope Use

"Be good to your rope and your rope will be good to you." - Me
- Keep it clean.

Use a tarp and bag to prolong the life.
The most efficient way of doing this is by not letting it touch the ground by using a tarp and a rope bag.  If you do let it hit ground (which it will) you can wash it.  Check back on my past posts or click here to see how!

- Inspect before using.

Always always always inspect your rope before using it.  I tend to check it before I go climb for the day. That should give you a good gauge of how it will hold up (or won't) for the day.

- Keep track of use.

Keep track of how you used the rope; meaning falls, climbs, cleaning sessions. It is a good idea to keep a small notebook of what exactly the rope has gone through with dates.  Depending on how much you climb and how you treat it, it can last either 6 months or 2 years.  It can also weigh-in on your decision to what kind of condition your rope is in.
- Step on it.

This goes back to keeping it clean but if you step on your rope with dirty shoes, you can press rock, sand, etc into the rope internally.  This can lead to tearing on the inside weakening the rope dramatically.

- Store in Sunlight

The UV rays from the sun can weaken your rope.  It is best to store it in a cool, dark place preferably in a rope bag.

- Use it other than it's intended purpose.

Don't look to use it for anything else other than climbing.  Seems obvious, but if you use it for pulling or tying purposes you will weaken the rope.  You do not know (or the UIAA for the record) what kind of damage you will do to it.

- Set up Toprope system while rope is grinding on a rock edge.

This can fuzz-up the sheath (not a big concern) but it will shorten the life of the rope.  If it continually grinds on a sharp edge it could cut the inner core, making the rope worthless.

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