Back in Utah...

I think I'm surprised as anyone that this piece, made it back to Utah for the 5th time!  Still chugging along at 82000 miles.  Not the most fuel efficient or comfortable, but it gets the job done.

For some reason, it was much more difficult leaving the state I called home for so many years.  I had done it once before back in 2010 but like I said for some reason this time felt different.  It felt weird to think to myself, "it's going to be awhile until I see this sign again."

....but it did feel really good to see this sign again...

It’s been about 3 days since I’ve been back in Utah and I got everything I need.  Job, place to live, and some steady climbing partners during the summer/fall are all in place.  It’s never fun to live out of a car for a few days but luckily I got good friends here who are willing to hook me up with a place to stay (fee free) while I get myself situated.

They also managed to find me a sweet place to live at.
Not a bad view from the back.
It started right though.  Day 1 of being in Salt Lake, well actually more like 1 minute of being in SLC, I was in a car with friends, to grab beer for a B52s concert.  I’m not a huge concert goer but when it’s free how can I not say yes.

The "cheap" seats
What also is going to be freakin’ amazing is heading up to Mt Hood, Oregon with my new employer Niche Snowboards.  They, I guess we now, head up to Hood every year to get shots for catalogs, online photos, etc.  I’m really stoked to be able to go.  I’ve only driven past Hood (which sits at 11,250ft) while on The Most Epic Trip.  Now that I get to go up there, with a board, crew, and Epic beer; I definitely can’t complain.

Mt Hood in all it's glory.
I'm really excited to be back in Utah and be able to really get grounded in this state.  I'm excited to get out and climb with the people I have met through Twitter.  Excited to get into some new sports.  Last time, I only spent about 9 months here, and 6 of those were winter.  I don't mind that at all, but there is so much to explore here still in the warmer months and I don't think I can really call myself a local yet until I see this state for myself.

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